Mittwoch, 12. September 2007

Time Trippin'

I would have liked to see the looks on Geo's and my face, when the guy at the entrance asked us whether we were winners of the Bravo lottery... No bouncer asking for your ID will ever hit so low. But we were a little pacified by the information, that two of our male friends had been asked whether they were from the dance crew *cackle*

We had been invited by a friend to a highly official pre-screening of "one of the most successful films in America these days". Ok, we thought, free entrance, free drink, free popcorn, so why not?

Highschool Musical 2 was what we got, and it was quite the experience, mostly due to the nearly 100 pre-teenage girls bathing in popcorn, storming onto the stage to perform an impromptu polonaise, and nearly fainting when Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens pretend to be close to kissing somewhere in minute End-Minus-2.

Still not quite sure what the company that organized the screening got out of the whole thing, but for me it was a definite proof that I am quite happy with the age I am stuck with these days :o)